If you want to reach “every kid” you can’t do it alone… but too many try that and wear themselves out while unfortunately not reaching all that many. The Master Plan of Evangelism is a classic study on how Jesus called, trained, and sent others to spread the net far […]
Valentine’s Day is still a little ways away but this is a club that we do every year and is a lot of fun. Kissing rugby is a little sketchy but with the right sell and oversight it is an annual favorite. Enjoy! Here is another idea you can use […]
This one takes some good prep to make it a big hit but it is a ton of fun. Tell the kids to come dressed in neon and bring glowsticks if they want. Then get some backlights, techno music and hit play on this club! We posted a similar club […]
The other week we had to scramble to come up with an alternative club/event after school for one of our Wyldlife clubs. Here is what we did: 1. Supplies: We went Little Caesars and ordered eight hot and ready pizzas. We also got 4 extra boxes (free), and an order […]
This weekend I had the privilege once again to be a part of the Western Division (now Southwest and Northwest Division) Student Staff Weekend, also known as the “49 Conference”, after Isaiah 49:1. I’d venture to say these are some of the best leaders in the entire mission (maybe I’m […]
I’m sure many of you out there are scrambling to put together you club plans. Well, this post should help save you some time! It is never a good idea to “wing” the music plan. I’ve led songs for a long, long time. I’ve led music while singing and playing […]
I was privileged to teach a seminar at Lost Canyon this weekend on being a Senior Leader. I know that there are a ton of volunteer senior leader / team leaders out there leading teams of missionaries to local schools. Way to go! And if there is anything I can […]
Each semester my I lead my team and others through a club planning meeting that is really a collaborative effort to benefit from the power of effective brainstorming. If you are curious, here are the steps I go through: 1. Clear a lot of time – This meeting take 3-4 […]
A few days ago I met up with one of my YL teams to look at the semester in a glance. I put together the file below which includes a schedule for our club night, including our weekly team dinner meeting plan, as well as our campaigner plan. I chose […]
Over the summer I normally try to post a couple things that I learned over the previous school year. If you have anything you learned from last year that you would like to tell me about, send it my way smcgever (at) pv dot younglife dot org In the past […]
For the past few years our club has split up guys and girls campaigners. This year some details changed and our leadership team decided to do campaigners co-ed. When I put together all of my ideas I simply had too many components that I wanted to include. So I came […]
Last Saturday we planned out our Fall 2011 clubs. I’ve mentioned it before but here is how we do it: I ask each leader to come with three new fully planned themed clubs (mixer, game, skit, additional fun things to spice it up) I write all of their ideas on […]