This is a series of posts which outline our leadership funnel and how we have people enter our leadership community. You can read more about it in general here. I’m convinced that YL is a grassroots organization. In fact, there is no doubt about it. When done right, whether in […]
I have a major post I’m working on that talks about how we develop leadership in our YL area. I’ve set up a new poll on the site and I’d love your input [you will need to go to the actual site if you are viewing this in an email/tweet/Facebook/RSS/etc.] […]
Over the summer I normally try to post a couple things that I learned over the previous school year. If you have anything you learned from last year that you would like to tell me about, send it my way smcgever (at) pv dot younglife dot org In the past […]
You may or may not know it, but if you are in the trenches of volunteer leadership in Young Life, you are gaining marketable skills for future jobs. When I came out of college I applied for entry-level jobs and was quickly passed up the line for management positions. In […]