As I’ve done in the past, I’m writing a series of posts to capture a few things I’ve learned about leading Young Life and Wyldlife in the past year. I’m adding something new too. This year, I’m adding an extra section to include things I’m working on right now. Also, […]
Everyones Doin’ It
As I’ve done in the past, I’m writing a series of posts to capture a few things I’ve learned about leading Young Life and Wyldlife in the past year. I’m adding something new too. This year, I’m adding an extra section to include things I’m working on right now. Also, […]
The aim of YL is to reach out to young people and disciple them. To simplify it: we are to disciple. This is the second person plural active imperative from the Great Commission (Mt. 28:19). Translation: Do it! Disciple! With camp around the corner, I’ve been praying and encouraging others […]
I can’t quite find where it began, but somewhere in the history of YL the tradition of the “9:38” page or “9:38” list began. A 9:38 list is a list of names you create and you commit to pray for regularly to become “workers for the harvest field.” I found […]
I recently had a conversation with Bree Haskell about how we lead the Bible discussion in our FYL groups. She asks great questions! I ended up writing a rather detailed response. You can download it here, but it is also below for your viewing enjoyment… PS It will be a […]
I’m going to answer two questions and tell you a mistake I made recently. First question, what is Periscope? Basically, Periscope is an app which allows you to live-feed video from your phone to people. Think of it as Twitter with live video. People can watch it live and they […]
I always tell people Young Life began out of two developments. I will tell you one of them: prayer. There is a lot that can be said about how Young Life was saturated in prayer right from its beginning, consider just these few entries from the diary of Jim Rayburn, […]
Over the summer I normally try to post a couple things that I learned over the previous school year. If you want see the series as it has developed over lots of years then click here. If you have anything you learned from last year that you would like to […]
Over the summer I normally try to post a couple things that I learned over the previous school year. If you want see the series as it has developed over lots of years then click here. Most of the “This Year” posts are about something I learned and basically “figured […]
Over the summer I normally try to post a couple things that I learned over the previous school year. If you want see the series as it has developed over lots of years then click here. In our camp training we always say that camp is a two week commitment. […]
As promised… Here are the final five things I wanted to pass along from recently teaching a university class on the philosophy and theology of youth ministry. See here for more details and the original post. 6. The best definition I came across for adolescence was that it is the […]
This semester I was asked to teach on the philosophy and theology of youth ministry for Grand Canyon University which is a short drive from my house. I have taught Biblical Interpretation / Hermeneutics for the last five years at GCU and was honestly a bit surprised when they asked […]