Two things come up over and over on this blog… I like going through the gospels for club talks (and campaigners… see here and here and here) and I like collaboration. It was only a matter of time before I combined the two. This year in our area all of […]
This is a series of posts which outline our leadership funnel and how we have people enter our leadership community. You can read more about it in general here. First Year Leading (FYL) is a weekly small group of college students who spent the entire year growing in Christ and […]
Over the summer I normally try to post a couple things that I learned over the previous school year. If you have anything you learned from last year that you would like to tell me about, send it my way smcgever (at) pv dot younglife dot org. In my first […]
It may be too late for some of you, but I thought I’d post our training packet for new leaders. We go through it with all of our new leaders about a week before we go to camp. Some of the details might be specific to the camps our area […]
This is a series of posts which outline our leadership funnel and how we have people enter our leadership community. You can read more about it in general here. I’m convinced that YL is a grassroots organization. In fact, there is no doubt about it. When done right, whether in […]
Next year, our area is kicking off a focused effort for one-on-one discipling and mentoring of leaders, mostly college sophomores (the year after our FYL program). If we all got in a room and tried to find a consensus about “how do we share the gospel with people”, we would […]
I’m sure many of you get the “Monday Morning” email from YL. Today there was a great article about humor in YL by Lee Corder. In our FYL training we always take at least one week to study some basic theological and practical considerations regarding laughter and humor. I’ll be […]
Great stuff keeps coming from Eric! If you haven’t seen his earlier post, you should check it out now. Below is a great resource for training and explaining how to do music in club. It could even be an outline for a seminar if you needed to lead one. Thanks […]
Recently I posted some resources for club music. One of the resources was from Eric Hoskins, Area Director in Sarasota, FL. He was nice enough to write up some great thoughts about club music and I wanted to share them with you all! — When I joined the Young Life […]
We are now in our fifth year of our FYL program. If you were to ask my committee and long term volunteers to have me do one thing and one thing only as a staff person, I think they would say… keep doing FYL. In fact, some have actually told […]
We are starting our summer Work Crew training next week. We have done various things in years past: here and here are some examples. This year we are collaborating with another area for a new approach. We will have two weeks of training online via a Facebook group and submitting […]
Over the summer I normally try to post a couple things that I learned over the previous school year. If you have anything you learned from last year that you would like to tell me about, send it my way smcgever (at) pv dot younglife dot org In our club, […]