We leave for camp on Friday and have been in thick of camp training. One of the universal things YL leaders learn in training is that camp is (at minimum) a two week commitment… the week of camp and then follow-up. Many of us are spent when we get back […]
I was privileged to teach a seminar at Lost Canyon this weekend on being a Senior Leader. I know that there are a ton of volunteer senior leader / team leaders out there leading teams of missionaries to local schools. Way to go! And if there is anything I can […]
Here are some sweet things worth checking out… Matt Golley – A great artist who happens to be going on YL staff in Puerto Rico. I’m buying one right now for our dining room. I really like his use of pages from the book of Acts on this one. YL […]
I’d like to highlight some good people out there in the YL world… Leader Lounge (www.leaderlounge.com) This is a great site by people who understand and do YL. They have skit stuff, intelligent discussion about ‘dem youths, and other helpful links and all. This resource has been around a lot […]