Hello friends! I’ve written a book about evangelism. I’m excited and, to be honest, nervous. If interested, I’d love your support in getting the word out. Why should someone read it? This is why: This book shows that evangelism is an ongoing process of caring for souls. Unfortunately, we’ve settled […]
I want to share with you the responses I received from my recent post about re-visioning club. I received dozens of lengthy emails, text messages, Instagram DMs, Twitter DMs, Facebook Messenger messages, and several comments in-person. All of the responses affirmed that people have felt the need to make adjustments […]
Last week, I was with nearly 40 experienced and diverse YL staff from across the country. I hijacked our meeting to conduct a bit of a survey. My instinct is that prior to COVID, many people were moving away from traditional club plans. Since our return from COVID my sense […]
I haven’t written or posted much on YLHelp because, well… I haven’t had much help to offer. The good people at YL Leader Blog have done the heavy lifting – thank you! I hope the reflection below might be helpful in one way or another. Yesterday, I met with a […]
I’m sure your semester plans are off and running. Mine are too. Maybe this will help… Semester Plans My team and I have put together all of our plans for the semester. I thought I’d pass them along in case any of them are helpful for you, might spark your […]
Your club semester probably already started. Mine did. I thought I’d pass along some of our plans: Contact Work After staying rooted in Christ and prayer, the most important part of our work is contact work. My clubs are working through a shared Google Sheet so that every leaders has […]
I sat down a few weeks ago, once again, to try to dig up some new club songs. Then it hit me. Why am I doing this? I realized that YL recently chose the most talented people to pick songs for clubs. These people were at YL camps last summer […]
As I’ve done in the past, I’m writing a series of posts to capture a few things I’ve learned about leading Young Life and Wyldlife in the past year. I’m adding something new too. This year, I’m adding an extra section to include things I’m working on right now. Also, […]
As I’ve done in the past, I’m writing a series of posts to capture a few things I’ve learned about leading Young Life and Wyldlife in the past year. I’m adding something new too. This year, I’m adding an extra section to include things I’m working on right now. Also, […]
As I’ve done in the past, I’m writing a series of posts to capture a few things I’ve learned about leading Young Life and Wyldlife in the past year. I’m adding something new too. This year, I’m adding an extra section to include things I’m working on right now. I […]
“I don’t know if I’m cut-out for this.” “I feel like a failure.” “It just seems like nothing I do works.” “I feel like I’m letting my donors and people praying for me down.” A few months ago in a ballroom in Florida, Young Life staff from all over the […]
Happy new year! I haven’t posted much on the YLHelp blog recently. I’ve passed along most of my ideas and resources on Instagram (@ylhelp) and Youtube (youtube.com/smcgever). But, I also (finally) finished my PhD in Historical and Systematic Theology (it is strange to be called Dr. McGever now – my […]