In our FYL group we cover the history of Young Life. Then we ask the leaders to “teach it back” the following week. Two of our great FYL students made this video to show the following week. I got a good laugh out of it! Nice job Steven and Anthony! […]
A while back we did “Kool-Aide” club (“oh, yeaaahhh!”). I pretty much didn’t have much more in mind than someone dressed in a Kool-Aide man outfit bursting through a fake wall at club yelling, “Oh yeeaahhh!” As it turns out, a Kool-Aide man outfit is hard to make, but we […]
Apparently all the cool kids say there is a song out there called “Thrift Shop”. The research staff at YLHelp did some research and found out it probably wouldn’t make a good club song. But, we can still ride the wave of pop culture right into the a second hand […]
If you blink, it will be gone, but before you blink, you might want to grab yourself a helmet and jump on the Harlem Shake video train and make one yourself. Like I said in a tweet… #theharlemshakewasmadeforthis. If you search Youtube for “Young Life” AND “Harlem Shake” and then […]
Last year I stumbled across this video and showed it to my campaigners group after our meeting, actually I posted it here. We are going to use it this week as we work through the Christmas story in Luke. I am also speaking this Friday at an All Area Wyldlife […]
My friend Jorge and the team at Coronado High School YL put together a great video to promote club. I love that there is an administrator in the video too. I also love that the video was on the school campus. Great job Coronado YL! You could put together a […]
I hope you saw my earlier post about the key components of a great camp video. Here is another post that adds to it… Why it’s good to have a video for camp: Even when your camp Is fully booked! While you are in the mood for great YL videos, […]
I remember sitting in a small room in 1995 at Woodleaf as the staff edited the VHS camp videos they hoped to get to kids in time before they left. One entire night was left to render (basically get the computer to start a video process and then leave it […]
It may be too late, but I thought I’d pass along our Christmas campaigners time from tonight. We opened, as we always do with a game, then we sang some Christmas carols, did some announcements (including an update on Raju, the Developing Global Leaders student staff we are helping support), […]
Our club is finishing up the semester tonight with a Ugly Sweater Christmas party. We begin the night with Christmas cookies, my wonderful wife makes a bunch of cookies and then we let kids decorate them with icing and frosting. We try to keep it clean, but if you are […]
Last night, Danny, one of our excellent leaders did the “need” sin talk. The “need” talk is often used the week before, or the night before, the traditional sin talk to help introduce the impact of sin on our society and our personal lives. This theme is built upon the […]
This might sound confusing, but follow along… last week we did Young Life, Young Life club. So basically a club with a “theme” of “Young Life”. We did this near the beginning of the semester to somewhat introduce some of the newer kids to a little intro to YL. We […]