Last year I stumbled across this video and showed it to my campaigners group after our meeting, actually I posted it here. We are going to use it this week as we work through the Christmas story in Luke. I am also speaking this Friday at an All Area Wyldlife “Elf” Club and plan on using it toward the end of my talk. The “cuteness” of it might appeal to more to girls but I think the quality and fun of it will appeal to everyone. For the WL talk I am thinking of ending the club by handing out glow sticks into the crowd as I mention the “celebration” and “party” appropriate for Jesus’ birth.
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One thought on “Fun Christmas Video for Club and Campaigners”
We used the Christmas video at both Wyldlife Club and YL Club to end the semester. At Young Life we told the kids that the Christmas story may sound and be told differently all over the world but the story itself remains the same. We then had someone wearing wig with dreads and a another as a scholar. They read the story from the Bible verse by verse, first with Jamaican accent and then New King James style. Then we showed them your video. They loved it. Even the guys were awing at the lambs! At the end we turned on our black lights, strobe light and threw glow sticks out in to the crowd and had a dance party! Totally fun and a great way to share the Christmas story and end the semester – Thank you!!