Happy new year! I haven’t posted much on the YLHelp blog recently. I’ve passed along most of my ideas and resources on Instagram (@ylhelp) and Youtube (youtube.com/smcgever). But, I also (finally) finished my
Last semester, I posted our club song plans, chord sheets, and PowerPoints via Instagram. If you missed them, you can download them all in one zip file HERE

Club Plans
We also did some new clubs this Fall
We also did a “YL’s Got Talent” Club which was fun. We promoted it for about six weeks and kids signed up to show off their talents (mostly musical). You really don’t need a plan to run it. I’d suggest giving it a try!
This semester we have plans for a few new clubs: LaCroix Club, Queen Club, Bob Ross Club, Super Mario Club, Sponge Bob Club, Seis de Mayo Club, and a few others. We have plans for them, but I want to see how they go first – some might be duds!
Club talks
This year my club has been going through the Gospel of Mark. You can find a ~10-15min “Talk Tuesday” video and one-page download for each talk at ylhelp.com/talktuesday.

For the Spring semester, we will be doing the “odd” chapters (e.g. Ch. 2, Ch. 4, etc.) for our club talks. Since Mark is the shortest gospel and the Spring semester is a bit long, we will be doing two stories/accounts from some of the chapters. You can see the plan below if you are interested!
Feb 4: Mark 2 (
Feb 11: Mark 4:35-41 (Jesus calms the storm)
Feb 18: No club (Presidents Day)
Feb 25: Mark 6:45-52 (Jesus walks on water)
Mar 4: Mark 8:1-11 (Jesus feeds 4000)
Mar 11: Mark 8:27-30 (Who do you say that I am?)
Mar 18: No club (Spring Break)
Mar 25: Mark 10:46-52 (Blind Bart)
Apr 1: Mark 10:17-31 (Sin/Rich Young Ruler)
Apr 8: Mark 12:1-12 (
Apr 15:
Apr 22: Mark 14:53-65 (Jesus’ suffering due to our sin)
Apr 29: Mark 15 (Cross)
May 6: Mark 16 (Resurrection)
May 13: Student Testimonies
Other things in the works…

I’m a bit ambitious (often too ambitious), but here are a few things I’m thinking about that might make it to YLHelp one way or another (remember, Instagram is where I interact most often).
- Marco Polo leader highlights (HT Jeff Huber): I will be experimenting with the Marco Polo app for communication with senior leaders. This app allows you to send a video “voicemail” to a person or group. My initial idea is for team leaders to send a short recap, maybe a praise and a prayer request too, via Marco Polo to the other team leaders after each club. Thanks to Jeff Huber, my buddy and an RD in Spokane for introducing me to the app.
- Replacing Remind app (Verizon): You may know that I use the Remind app for a lot of group communication. You may also know that Verizon is no longer supporting text messages through it by the end of January 2019. Boo Verizon! I will be looking for a replacement. I think I might move to GroupMe.
- Old Testament overview in my campaigners: I have been eager to help students (and leaders) dive into the Old Testament more. I have outlined a series of Bible studies to do this in my campaigners. If it goes well, you will hear more about this.
- Tweaking our Work Crew training in my area: My co-AD Jorge and I will be experimenting with some additional online training for our local Work Crew training.
- Speaking at LC… Capernaum (yeah!): I was thrilled to find out I will be speaking at Lost Canyon again this summer (Session2)! One of the weeks is all Capernaum – I’m humbled, excited, and eager to learn how the Lord will guide me. I will share anything that I learn with you all. Please send me anything that could help me (I need it)!
- New things with club music: I want to take some risks and learn new things with club music. To be honest, I’m pretty solid at planning and executing everything YL club music has been for the last few decades. But, I will be spending some time stretching myself and my club hopefully by trying to introduce some new approaches (sampling, keyboards, call and response, more of a DJ feel)… Yikes. It could be awful (especially with me leading it)… but we gotta move on and take some risks to progress a bit, so… why not?)
- Lunch clubs: I’ve been keeping my eye on the best practices of lunch clubs for a while. I’m eager to dig into this further. I think there are some real benefits and challenges to lunch clubs and I’d like to gather these for folks like me who want to learn about this tool in our YL toolbelt.
OK, that should do it for now. I also have some nerdy academic theology things and books I’m working on in my spare time – no need to bother you with those things too. But, I don’t think I’ll be bored this Spring! Here we go…
Peace and Joy, Sean McGever
6 thoughts on “Spring Semester Resources: Clubs | Songs | Talks”
Hello Dr. McGever,
I’m curious as to what a Seis de mayo club is? What does that look like? Thanks.
Hey brother, do you know when your ChikFilA document will be finished? It seems to be missing some information on the right hand side. I really like the idea for this club!
Hi Matthew. Check this file to see if it works… https://www.dropbox.com/s/l8f3ydhvwnm263h/Chic-Fil-Bae%20Club%20-%20PHS%20Fall%202018.pdf?dl=0
Hi Joshua, I don’t have it planned out fully yet but here is the summary:
Before club: Nacho bar
Mixer: Burrito stack (below)
Game: Taco eating contest
Skit: Camp promo
My junior leaders Gael and Javi had this idea for club, it should be fun!
Burrito Stack
Get kids in teams of three. One kid in each group is the tortilla, one is the beans, one is the meat. When the music starts they need to all walk around and mix up. When the music stops the team of three needs to find each other and lay on the ground in this order: tortilla (bottom), meat (middle), beans (top). Repeat.
Remind was able to get Verizon to change their decision. It is STILL the best thing ever!
Remind revoked the limiting of Remind. YAY!