I have a major post I’m working on that talks about how we develop leadership in our YL area. I’ve set up a new poll on the site and I’d love your input [you will need to go to the actual site if you are viewing this in an email/tweet/Facebook/RSS/etc.]
It asks the volunteer to staff ratio in your YL area, at least for those who use YLHelp. More specifically it asks for how many volunteers you have compared to how many paid staff. I’m primarily thinking of adult volunteers who are involved in club/campaigners/contact work/camp every week, more or less. And then for those being paid, I’m thinking of people who get a paycheck from YL as their primary income, usually this is full time staff. Don’t get caught up in the details. For example say you have 20 leaders in your area, and then an Area Director and a Staff Associate, this would be 20:2, or simplified as 10:1.
Post your answer. Thanks for your help!
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8 thoughts on “New Poll: Volunteer to Staff Ratio”
We are a volunteer only area- we have 5 adult leader, 1 college age leader, and I’m the volunteer area director. 2 small town high schools combine for club, 40-60 kids each week…
Judy! You are my hero! I am so proud of volunteer led areas. It represents the true grass-roots nature of our mission and the heart of a real missionary spirit for teenagers in the community. If there is anything, I mean ANYTHING I can do for you, please let me know, I couldn’t be happier to lend a hand if there is something I can do.
We have a 55:3 Volunteer to staff ratio.
Thanks Keith!
We have a 40:1 ratio.
8:3 volunteer to staff.
We’re rocking a steady 80:1
Love the site! keep it up!