A few weeks ago we went through our brainstorming process and planned out the following clubs:
All Area-Dodgeball
Freshman Club
Instagram Club
Ice Cream Club
Snapbacks & Tattoos Club
All Area Halloween Club
Safari Club
‘Merica Club
Turkey Club
Kool Aid Club
Pajama Club
Classy Sweater Christmas Club
Maybe this will spark some ideas for your own plans. We will be posting them as they happen with tips and details to help along the way.
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6 thoughts on “Pinnacle YL Theme Clubs This Semester”
Looks like some great clubs. Could you post the club plans to the Instagram and Snapback Clubs if you have them yet? I’d love to see how you are integrating Instagram into Club.
Chris, will do. They are not done yet but here are some notes we made initially for snapback and tattoo club…
Mixer: Undo Snapbacks
Everyone wears snapback hats
Everyone tries to undo each others snapbacks
Lsst person with an attached snapback wins
Suuplies: Lots of snapback hats,
All Leaders bring extras
2 Songs (Sean)
Participation Game: Tat. It up
Tattoo Drawing contest.
Pick 6 kids. 3 will draw tattoos and 3 will get the tattoos
Drawing on arms only. Best tattoos after a minute or two wins
Supplies: Washable Black Markers
*Challenge them to wear their “tattoos” to school the nest day & instagram them
1 Song (Sean)
Leader Skit: My First Tattoo
hey we would love to have the club ideas and breakdown for the safari club!
We don’t have that one nailed yet but these are our initial plans…
Participation Game: Touch/Smell/Taste
Pick a few kids. Take them outside and bring them in individually, blindfolded.
Have a few different foods and also a mouse.
Have them touch, smell and taste each food.
The last “food” they try is the mouse. Barely let them touch or smell it .
Supplies: 3 different foods, blindfolds, mouse
*You could play this up by introducing it with a Steve Irwin voice and explain how they need to learn to identify foods in the wild
Leader Skit: If I Were An Animal
A rendition of “If I were a Young Life Leader”
Then… Dress up like animals!
Include Jungle themed songs (Welcome to the Jungle, Hey Hey We’re the Monkeys, etc)
Supplies: Costumes to match your animal
*Maybe instead of POST we can do BUSH or PLANT?
Could you post plans/ideas for the ‘Merica club?
This is a great resource for this club!