I’m guessing a lot of you are making your semester plans. Part of my semester planning includes planning out our club talks.
You might know that in my YL area we go through an entire Gospel in a year. We cover the odd chapters in the Fall and the even chapters in the Spring. Last year we went through the Gospel of John, the previous year we went through the Gospel of Matthew.
For “Talk Tuesday,” each week, I create a 10-15 minute video and a handout that helps explain the chapter and gives insights that might help you prepare your club talks. You can find all the videos and handouts from John and Matthew HERE.
This year my area will be going through the Gospel of Luke (beginning next week). If you are interested, feel free to join us! I call them Talk Tuesdays because I (try to) do a live video on Facebook Live (fb.com/smcgever) on Tuesday nights. Sometimes my schedule gets clogged and it gets pushed out, but Tuesday is the norm.
Here are some resources if you are interested:
- Subscribe to YouTube channel for automatic updates: HERE
- Download an overview of the Gospel of Luke Plan: HERE
- Download my club’s Fall 2017 club plan with the talks inserted: HERE
Many blessings on a new year of ministry! –Sean
PS: Thanks for all the encouraging messages about the One Year New Testament. I’m excited so many college freshman groups, leadership teams, leaders, and students are using it!
PPS: If you are looking for some campaigner resources, you might want to check HERE.