Contact Work Fun at Area Leadership Meeting


In our area we have two areas of focus this year, and one of them is contact work. I’ve tried to document some of our thoughts HERE, HERE, and HERE for just a few examples.

In our monthly area leadership meetings we highlight some of the leaders who are knocking it out of the park, based on our contact work tracker. In fact, we have seen a complete turn around in some of our WL clubs, which has been really encouraging. Another thing we do in our area leadership meetings is include some fun and one of the fun things we did was include a game where we broke up in teams and had leaders begin text message conversations. Now, these are authentic conversations, we just helped initiate them. If they went really long, that is totally OK. I’d rather them have a good convo with a student than listen to our area calendar details, they can get those later.

We also have done a game show style game in our area meeting where we bring up leaders from each school and ask trivia questions about the school, such as “name the mascot of your school”, “what time is lunch”, and “name three freshman”. We have prizes for the leaders too.

Basically we are just working to engage leaders with contact work in different ways. See the file below if you want more details!

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