Follow-up is more important than camp. Put another way, discipleship is more important than conversion (since discipleship includes conversion, see Mt 28:19-20). Discipleship is primarily more “caught” than “taught”, so make sure you are a living as a disciple first and foremost. We also are commanded to teach our disciples about the Christian life and the word of God. I’m sure many YLHelp readers are already aware, but I’ve put together a variety of booklets to make this easier.
1. Cabin Time Continued – I know it might be a bit tacky to recommend something I put together, but wouldn’t you be worried if I didn’t think it was worth recommending?! I wrote this booklet as a follow-up to camp as it replicates the traditional club talks we hear at camp, and then follows up with several of what I think are the most essential topics to think about immediately after hearing camp talks. This has become the second highest selling book in the YL camp stores, you might be able to find it there, but it may be easier to order here.
2. Live Like This – This is a study through the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus’ teaching in this section is radical and counter-cultural. Part 1 & 2 provide 20 studies that can easily be adapted for campaigners, either following the lessons in a teaching format, or a do-it-on-your-own and compare notes each week format.
3. Mark in a Month – This is a study through the Gospel of Mark in 30 days. This study includes minimal commentary other than a few thoughts for each passage. The emphasis in this study is the process of working through the carefully crafted questions and the daily repetitive questions meant to draw ones attention to the Lord’s activity in daily life.
I covered these and a few others back a while ago on this post too.
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