If you don’t have an Instagram, you probably should! I think a lot of kids will be moving away from Facebook, at least in a certain way, you can read that here. You can also read a ton about how to integrate YL with Instagram here on the excellent post by YLDigital.
A few weeks ago we did an Instagram club. Here is what we did:
The running skit was similar to “games two people can’t play” and was a dry-humor bit kinda mocking social media. If your kids can get into that kinda thing then it will likely be a hit, but if the humor needs to be super obvious, then it might not work. Kinda like when my friend Andi did Hipster club and none of her kids “got” it (they didn’t realize it was about them). The Instagram skit was based on this clip which is pretty funny… I like lines like, “I made this cake all by myself, just look at it, look at my cake”.
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