HELP! I’m Speaking Summer Camp…

YL Assignment Lost Canyon 2007 IMG_4638 Would you help me? I am actually very excited and prepared to speak at summer camp (don’t be worried if you are bringing kids when I’m speaking haha). I’ve spoken at summer camp before and lots of weekend camps. And the powers-that-be asked me again, so apparently I don’t suck. But I’d like to get some ideas and feedback from you all. In fact I’m thinking about trying a thing or two that would be a little different then what I’ve seen in YL. I’m willing to share those ideas on ylhelp but I need some confirmation that you will work with me. So, will you help me and, in addition, commit to praying for me while I’m at camp? If you are in, then leave a comment. If I get 10+ comments then I’ll start laying out my ideas. If not, then I’ll save my time for other things. No worries.


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