I got an idea from a friend in an email for a scavenger hunt with a twist. It is Couch Olympics.We did it yesterday and tons of the kids texted me and wrote on Facebook… “Best YL Ever!”
Basically it is a photo scavenger hunt but you take the pictures in a couch which you take with you from place to place. We had two teams, each with a truck and a couch. I’d highly recommend leaders drive big cars and maybe even get some volunteers to help drive. We even stopped at some committee people’s house to take a picture with them.
Here is what we used. Enjoy! (Be safe on this one)
You can check out my Facebook for more pictures. I also did a talk about receiving Christ and the Holy Spirit coming to live in you, I used this video. Never did a talk like that before. Have you? I might share more on that later.
5 thoughts on “Couch Olympics”
We’ve run this one into the ground for the last 4 years…
You guys need to make a post about tacky prom….if you need a playlist for it, let me know
Tacky Prom was by far our best club ever
Any tips you’d have about this since you’ve done it several times?
We did do Tacky Prom…
What did you do for it?
We did this a few years back. It was FANTASTIC. We called it Couch-O-Rama though. Just a thought. Another club in our area has also done inflate-o-rama where they ran around with various intertubes and floaties. Whether you run around with a couch or pool toys, you still look crazy & random and the students soak up every bit of it.
We’ve also done Tacky Prom 2 different ways. Our school did a tacky prom skate night which I personally think was the best. We’ve also done it as a club/ dance with refreshments. Awards are always great and can include puffiest sleeves/biggest lapels, best dressed, and prom king & queen.
Good stuff but all has to be organized to a T in order to keep everyone safe and have fun!
We also called it couch-o-rama.
Getting enough adult drivers and responsible leaders to drive was a little hard, but well worth it.
It’s a good opportunity to spread the word in your community about Young Life.
You might want to let the local police station know what you’re doing…so they don’t show up when you park a couch in the middle of Sonic.
Always award points for bringing back students who have never been to Young Life.
And you can’t stress being safe and courteous enough times.
You all should try a Mustache themed club. Fake mustaches, a rediwhip facial hair contest…. it was awesome!