Maybe we should have turntables at club..? Here are my reasons:
- COOL – They are cool.
- INTRIGUE – Most kids have never seen one but hear it everyday.
- RETHINK – It will help us rethink the kind of music we do in club (wisdom needed since much of hip hop is scandalous. See HERE if you need an example.)
- UNIVERSAL APPEAL – Hip hop music is universal. More universal than “oldies” and much more universal than “top 40” songs we work into club every now and again.
- SKILLS – Chances are, no one you know uses a turntable, so with some practice, you are the best spinner anyone has ever met. Also it might work for people who simply can’t learn guitar.
I have seen turntables in YL clubs. Over 10 years ago I helped out an urban club. I played 2-3 songs on the guitar, but they had a DJ spin tracks inbetween skits and transitions. Also in November, the music team at weekend camp had a DJ. Imagine Brown Eyed Girl with scratchin’, yes they did it.
I gotta be honest, I’ve never tried it. But being somewhat musical I think I’ll give it a try. One of the leaders today said a friend has one we can borrow. Any tips would be appreciated.
P.S. I’ve been a high school basketball coach for 6 years now and pretty much none of them like club. This might appeal to my basketball guys who think life, basketball and rap are all the same thing. Efrem Smith got me thinking about this at ASC08.
3 thoughts on “2 Turntables and a Microphone?”
The turntable thing works and kids really like it. We do it at least twice a semester and kids seem to dig it. Everyone always wants lessons though after club (contact work idea? DJ lessons at another time?) It is a hassle to set up and break down and you really need someone who knows how to spin or it kinda sucks. The other downside is cost. A good setup (used) will cost you at least 500 plus vinyl…. All that being said Tables in club are sick…Keep Vinyl Alive. Peace.
I agree with Jay. I tried to learn and realized that in order to have a decent setup you have to drop at least $1,500 (but you can buy crapy sets and a mixer for around $500). And yeah, you either have someone who can really spin or someone who really can’t. Another thing is you need to have someone spinning the right kind of music. Most DJ’s out there are into club music, which might be great for a rave kid but not the urban or suburban crowd. Just some thoughts. If you can do it, then yeah the kids’ll love it. Maybe invite a friend who can do it every once in a while.
You are right. It is easier said than done. I’ve looked and looked for a cheap solution. The best I can find is this…