It is that time of year when many of us run to the internet to try to find new club songs. I was on that quest myself when I got an email that saved me loads of time. Musician and YL-music-rescue-man S.Martin contacted me and said, “Sean could you use a bunch of new mashups with chords that I’ve been doing at camps recently?” Ummm…. Yes! The file includes:
Some Nights & Four Five Seconds
Sweet Home Alabama & Fresh Prince of Bel Air
See You Again & Lean On Me
Shut up and Dance & Cheerleader
Shake It Off & We Found Love
Wagon Wheel & Party In The USA
Can’t Feel My Face & Radioactive
Say Something & Just The Way You Are
There are also a few individual songs in the file that might be newer to some. Huge shout-out to S.Martin for saving the day and sharing the love. There is no reason we should have to re-invent the wheel and re-do work that someone else has already done, this frees us up to spend more time doing what no one else can do… build individual relationships with students. Thank you S.Martin for creating more relationship time out there in YL land! As a thank you, at my request, he didn’t even mention it when passing along his work, check out his Twitter and give him some props (@_Spener).
For the file with the mashups, new songs, and chords, CLICK HERE.
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