My friend Joey and Alex are trying something this semester I thought would be worth passing along.
Like most clubs they have a time each week when they introduce any new kids. In each club they will award one point to either the guys or the girls based on who has more new kids that week. At the end of the semester the gender that has more points will get $5 each in the camp store or snack bar.
I thought it was a great idea to promote new kids and camp at the same time. It also helps add some spice to the new kids part that, in my club, often lacks much excitement. It might cost you a little bit of money, but I think it is worth it!
What do you do with the “new kid introduction”? What are your thoughts to promote club each week?
2 thoughts on “An Idea to Promote Camp and New Kids”
Hey- I am a wyldlife leader and we are tyring to come up with two female characters that can be ‘up-front’ for 4 consecutive weeks.. any ideas or know of any good female program characters?
I’d love to see if anyone else has any ideas but here are some that come to mind…
Super and Not-So-Super Woman… basic idea is a dynamic woman and a woman who seems to mess everything up (but ends up saving the day in the end)
You can always do “hicks”, just girls. I’ve seen this done pretty funny.
What about two divas, or two “valley girls”.
How about Hannah Montana versus Taylor Swift trying to compete for a new movie or new album or the same guy or?
I’ve also seen a program that was just girls dressed up like little girls in those huge onesies you can get at Target. They had pigtails, stuffed animals and all. Slumber party type set up.