A female student keeps text messaging a male leader. The leader points the student to the female leaders but she just keeps texting and the content is rather serious. She won’t agree to talk to anyone. The leader schedules a meeting with the girl, a female leader and himself. The girl won’t talk to the girl leader and after the meeting keeps texting and calling the male leader with her problems, which are rather serious. What would you do?
One thought on “What NOW? – Female student won’t leave male leader alone”
I see some of the girls having “crushes” on certain male leaders and that sort of thing, and if I know that I just remind the girl(s) that the guys are too old for them, (obviously in a nice way) or that they have a girlfriend or something to that affect. If the girl is only seeking advice from the guy, I think the guy leader should give that girl’s number/myspace/e-mail address to a girl leader. Then that girl leader should call/text the girl and meet up for coffee/shopping day. On that day the girl leader should explain that if she does have any issues, the girl should come to the girl leader. I explained to some of the girls I work with how the girl leaders are there for the girls, and the guy leaders are there for the guys. This really helped them understand the way things are supposed to work, because before they sort of saw a leader, male or female, as a leader they could go to. But just encouraging that female to female one on one relationship with the girls in the first place should help to prevent this.