YL Freedom Walk – Africa


It has been amazing to see the Lord move in International YL. I remember a lot of years ago when I had the privilege to show Alexis from Tanzania how to play Brown Eyed Girl as he was going to do program at Lost Canyon that summer. In many ways our teammates in Africa have been leading us (or at least me) in many of the purest elements of YL work for the kingdom.

The YL Freedom Walk is going to be a rich experience for many. I hope you check out their great website and follow them on Twitter.

Watch this video…

Freedom Walk Africa from W. Ashley Maddox on Vimeo.

Here is a little more:

Ten years ago Young Life Africa started the Freedom Walk with a prayer walk up Mt. Kilimanjaro. This walk inspired the leaders to reach out to more and more kids. Now, Young Life Africa is in 21 countries throughout Africa with thousands of kids participating.

The Freedom Walk Africa will take place in July 2014. The group will be walking 1500 km across the Tanzania slave caravan. Each step equals joy and freedom in Christ. The film shows how Young Life Africa is inspiring many people they meet along the way.

Along the Freedom Walk, we will meet people and pray with them, showing the love of Christ and the freedom they experience by loving Him. It is a powerful movement for both Young Life leaders and the people they meet.

The whole purpose of this Freedom Walk and Movement is to pray for Freedom: to break chains and shackles that enslave young people all over the world physically and spiritually. Specifically in Africa we are praying for forgiveness, restoration, reconciliation and redemption for all was stolen, destroyed, ruined by centuries of the slave trade in Africa – and we are praying for a new generation of young leader who are REALLY free spiritually and physically, who will proclaim and work for Freedom all over Africa and beyond. But the impact of the sins of the slave trade and the centuries of selling and trafficking humans (that continues today) is not just in Africa, but crosses oceans and covers continents.

We want people to be praying for chains to be broken and for freedom in their own streets and neighborhoods and lives. Get our Freedom Walk prayers and updates in an email. Help us by praying for those on the freedom walk and for specific requests as they come up before, during, and after the walk. Add your own prayers and concerns. Also include this in as many prayer networks as you can: churches, Young Life area and regions, bible studies and Sunday school classes – we want as many people engaged as possible praying for Freedom for young people all over the world. This is also a great way to hear the stories and prayers of those that are walking in Africa and praying around the world.

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