In the last year or so others really jumped into the mix online with all things YL. I was amazed as nearly every month another blog or associated Twitter account started posting really great YL stuff! Here are some of the ones I have been really impressed with!
YLPlaybook (@ylplaybook) – The best spot for games and skits!
Young Life Leaders (@YoungLifeLeader) –I pretty much steal all my good ideas from here.
Youth Leader Stash (@ylstash) – Great info for YL and Youth Ministry in general from great dude.
TotalYLmove (@totalYLmove) – Hilarious! If you’ve ever felt odd and alone in YL, you will find you are not alone here.
Official YL twitter (@YoungLife) – The mothership has landed on Twitter! Good info on here from the source!
Young Life Ideas (@younglifeideas) – The official YL ideas feed. Lots of people sharing good stuff here.
YLHelp (@ylhelp) – Oh yeah… We got our Twit on too.
(PS Sorry if I missed someone by accident!)
What other great sources have you found online?
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