I hope your summer was great. I hope to post some ideas and lessons learned over the summer from camp, assignments, campaigners, etc.
In the mean time, the Fall semester is upon us. In my area school started this week and I have been meeting and catching up with leaders non-stop.
With club looming, I know we all are having team club planning sessions. My club had one last week. I’ll be posting our new clubs as we prepare them.
I took some time to put together a club planner with Monday club dates and an entire semester of clubs planned. I did this using some of the clubs we used last year. If you are looking for ideas, I suggest you print this out and bring it to your team meeting. If you have ideas or clubs from last year, send them my way so we can share them.
Fall Club Planner and Full Club Plans
(Note: some of the details on each club may not perfectly fit the week. For example the club talks are not in order on the individual club sheets.)