Club Song Lyrics Videos Playlist


More and more clubs are using lyric videos for songs in club these days. I’ve put together a Youtube playlist you can use and pick from for your next club if you need it.

The link to the playlist is HERE.

I also want to give a shout out to Dan Seymour who has a couple great playlists too. I put his and others together and added quite a few more to create my list. If you have a playlist, please pass it along to save leaders time too!

I looked through many of the songs, and by far my favorite is this “Bananas Unite” lyric video, which was made at Windy Gap Urban camp, it is amazing, it is worth the time to enjoy!

I suggest you make your own Youtube playlist for your club with the songs that work for you.

Why are more and more clubs using lyrics videos? Mostly I think it is because they are so simple to use and they are effective. In fact, they are much more effective than I would have guessed. I was certainly a skeptic because I play guitar and have not needed to use them.

Another reason that they are being used more and more is that I think people these days are not learning to play instruments like the guitar as much, at least for club. I’m not totally sure why, but I think one factor is that so many churches are using so much technology for worship (click track-based backgrounds to simulate professionally produced music) that many people think “I could never do that!”… never knowing that much of the sound they hear is coming from a professional recording. Parallel to that, many of the musicians in churches these days truly are very very good. Simply put, people in the crowd quickly dismiss the idea of playing an instrument to lead people in music because it looks far out of reach.

Let me tell you, it is not out of reach to learn to play guitar for club. I taught my son when he was 9 years old enough chords to play guitar with me in club. You can learn too. In fact, here is a little document I’ve used for years to help people get started.

Basic Guitar Chords and Simple Songs for Club Guide

PS… You need to preview every song and video you use in club to make sure it fits your own requirements.

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