When Will You Re-Start Club?

hourglass As the semester draws to a close, we all get a well deserved break. But soon kids will start asking, “When is club?!”

One year I was on campus the first day of school in January after the break and a girl came up to me and said, “I have 8 new friends coming to club tonight! Isn’t that great!” In my mind I was thinking, “What are you talking about? Club doesn’t start for 3 more weeks! Us leaders need a break!” But instead I quickly said, “That is great, we are meeting at the food court at the mall.” And then I was able to get one more leader who helped me pull of an event for those kids and a bunch more.

I’ve done everything from waiting until February and just focusing on contact work until then, all the way to having club on the first day back.

I’m interested to know, when and why do you re-start club?

Also be sure to vote on the survey to the left of this post. It will be up until we have a new one.

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