iPhone, iPhone 2, texting, phone numbers and Young Life kids

iphone I just got an iPhone and I love it! The interface is unbelievable. Some of the applications like the Google Map integration and the Facebook iPhone web-app have been really useful.

There are a couple things I’m trying to figure out to maximize it for YL usage. Maybe this will be in the iPhone 2.

1) Is there a better way to group text message? Right now you can pick the individuals for a multi-person text, but not a way to manage a group. The Treo had a great free program to do this.

2) How to best organize my contacts on the phone. I have a lot of contacts, over 1100. As far as I know the iPhone doesn’t do any sorting or categories. One of my leaders enters club kids phone numbers with "YL" in front of the name. (i.e. YL – John Smith) This way they are all together and easy to find.

QUESTION: How do you organize your club kids names for easy retrieval? Also, any iPhone tips would be appreciated.

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